Renew your membership before the rates go up on May 1st! Click on the links below:
SINGLES $140.00 ($165.00 after May 1)
COUPLES $240.00 ($265.00 after May 1)
FAMILY $260.00Â Â Â (285.00 after May 1)
Please add family members to the notes.Â
You can also mail a check to PO Box 485 Jackson NH 03846-0485
Our opening day is targeted for May 7th, as weather and court conditions will allow. Stay tuned!
Some things to think about until opening day...
Clinics with Chris are back! Starting on June 4th, he will be running them on Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 5-6:30pm. Cardio Clinics will start on Monday July 1st at 9am.
Tournaments dates are as follows:
Spring Scramble Saturday June 1st
JTC Intraclub Challenge(Massachusetts vs "the World") Sat June 29th
Vintage Tournament Sat July 27thÂ
JTC/Bridgeton Challenge Sat August 17th
Fall Scramble Sat September 14th
Advantage Kids free tennis and yoga Spring Session starts on Monday 5/6-6/10 3:30-5pm. Summer Session will be held on Wednesdays from 1-2:30 starting on July 1st. Sign up at www.advantage kids.orgÂ
See you on the courts... soon!
Michelle Phillips
JTC Communications